Kōrero Pono is about giving a voice to people with lived experience of the criminal justice system. As we face up to the failures of our criminal justice system and our legacy of mass incarceration, it’s crucial that we do more listening.
The collateral consequences of a prison sentence are profound. They affect the present and future of people serving sentences, their whānau, their communities, and Aotearoa as a whole. But these stories are often not heard.
77% of people currently serving a prison sentence have themselves been victims of family or sexual violence. If we want to understand how to reduce cycles of harm, we need to listen to people who have experienced all stages of this cycle.
But these stories are often not heard. They are typically not part of the narrative of crime and justice. And the people who could tell them are frequently dismissed, derided or condemned.At this point in time, when the Government is reckoning with the failures of our criminal justice system and our legacy of mass incarceration, we think it’s crucial that we do more listening.
This exhibition is the first project that JustSpeak has rolled out as part of Korero Pono. We’ll be working on more content over the coming year, and we would love to hear your perspectives on this work.