Our Strategic approach: 2021 & beyond

July 21, 2021

As you may have seen from Our Impact 2015-2020, together we have made enormous progress towards our vision. But there is much work to be done into the future. Our plans for 2021 and beyond to advance this kaupapa centred around our three strategic pillars, with a specific focus on key initiatives that - with your support - we can put into action over the next three years.


JustSpeak’s vision is a society that gives everyone what they need while caring for each  other and the planet. We dream of a world where everyone has a roof over their head,  food on the table, and time to spend with loved ones. Where we’ve reimagined justice to  be about health and not handcuffs and where we’ve closed the last prison – for good.  


JustSpeak works to achieve long-term and systemic change by shifting government  and societal focus and resources away from police, punishment and prisons toward  prevention, restoration, accountability, community, whānau, wellbeing and care. We  will build the power, capacity and potential of young people to realise our vision.


Strategic Pillar One: Capacity and Community Building

To grow the power of our organisation and the wider justice movement to achieve lasting systems change, we want to invest in the capacity of and connections between our community. To that end we will;

Strategic Pillar Two: Narrative and Media

To truly transform the system we need a long term shift in public attitudes and beliefs, by changing yesterday’s conversation about law and order to today’s conversation about community well-being. Over the next three years we will;

Strategic Pillar Three: Advocacy and Campaigns

Meaningful change requires pressure on decision makers to act by shifting policy and resources away from prisons and punishment  and toward community interventions, health and well-being. Our mission in 2021 and beyond is to;

We have a proven track record of impact. Check out the sneak peek summary of our impact from 2015-202.


Can you help power more of this work?

Right now, we're looking for an additional 391 people to give $55 per month.

That would fully cover our core costs, enabling us to focus on delivering our strategic initiatives and drive impact. Of course you can make one-off donations too, or monthly donations for another amount, every bit counts and we are hugely grateful for each and every contribution.

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